My Signature Treatment combines Acupuncture, Krashada Acupressure Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Massage Therapy.
Acupuncture is a powerful natural therapy that restores proper energy flow throughout the body, with the ultimate goal of achieving holistic wellness. Through the insertion of acupuncture needles, this natural therapy immediately shifts the body away from stress responses, promoting relaxation and healing.
Krashada Acupressure Therapy is another effective form of natural therapy, serving as a strong energy-clearing tool. This treatment works on multiple levels—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually—by infusing positive energy and reducing the effects of stress and trauma.
Craniosacral Therapy is a deeply relaxing natural therapy that uniquely releases the energy of life traumas, stress, and injury. When an energy related to an injury, stress, or trauma is left in the body its presence may be a reminder of the event, potentially bringing the consciousness back to remember. It helps to restore balance in the body and mind, offering profound relaxation and healing.
Massage Therapy is the perfect natural therapy to bring about a sense of completion, nurturing, and calm to this treatment.
This holistic approach to wellness is designed to bring the client to a new, more balanced normal, move forward in their evolution and wellness, and soothe the body, mind, and emotions.
$120.00 for 60 mins
$180.00 for 90 mins
$240.00 for 120 mins
For more information or to schedule an appointment, you can also contact me (preferably a text message) at 214-717-1217.